Summer Institutes
Beginning in summer 2021, the Bucknell Humanities Center is home to an annual summer institute that develops out of a yearlong theme. The goal of the summer institute is to expand scholarly and pedagogical conversations; to unite intellectuals to undertake these interdisciplinary dialogues in place; and to situate the Bucknell Humanities Center as a hub for critical inquiry. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the 2021 summer institute will be remote.
Water Ecologies is made possible by the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Bucknell Humanities Center, Bucknell’s Dean of College of Arts & Sciences, and Bucknell’s Environmental Humanities Working Group.
The Bucknell Humanities Center was inaugurated in 2015. Located at the heart of campus in Hildreth-Mirza Hall, the Bucknell Humanities Center embodies the university’s commitment to its core liberal arts mission: educating students for a lifetime of critical thinking and intellectual exploration. The humanities play a distinctive role in that mission by teaching the skills needed to interpret and evaluate the meaning-making practices of human cultures, past and present. The BHC has become a vibrant intellectual community space for the entire campus, hosting and co-sponsoring humanities-themed events that draw faculty and students from all three colleges.
As uninvited guests, we acknowledge that Bucknell University was founded upon exclusions and erasures of many Indigenous peoples, including those on whose lands this institution is located, the unceded lands of the Susquehannock peoples. Today this meeting place is home to many Indigenous peoples from all over the world, including Bucknell faculty, students, and staff. We strive to honor and respect the land, air, water, and space that we currently occupy.
Kathi Venios, Administrative Assistant
Bucknell Humanities Center